Thursday, January 21, 2010

First post, first blog, no big deal

Hello All, welcome to my stories regarding the Department of Motor Vehicles and the experiences I've had there. I think a common thread of this blog is going to be how much easier things can be if you just make sure you're prepared before you actually go to the DMV office. I've spent my fair share of time waiting in lines and being annoyed by rude and stubborn DMV clerks and I see everyone else getting the same mediocre treatment. So, the last few times I've decided to go ahead and made an internet search or two in order to find a better solution to being stuck in line all the time. Often I find the actual state run DMV websites to be worse than useless for the average driver. You can't find the type of answer you want quickly and the design and layout are very old. Recently I've found DMV (see and things are now a lot easier.
For me it's my way to do things the right way first. It saves me time, it saves me money and it saves me a ton of grief. Everyone says people with lower stress live longer and live better too IMHO. Since that's true people should definitely try using DMV (see guides like since they make things less stressful for you.
There are plenty of dangers on the road without having to stress about the Department of Motor Vehicles as well. So, I make it a point to leave that stress with some good techniques I've developed (no they do not involve yoga although that may help). Using this DMV (see guide is easy.

Waiting at the DMV by coolmikeol
Anyway, this is what I'm going to be dealing with in a bunch of my upcoming posts so be sure to participate and tell your stories too.

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